Saturday, October 17, 2009

USPP Myspace Now Up and Running

The major impetus and motivation behind sharing music files, from a band's perspective, is to promote their music. Release a few tracks here and there and let the music speak for itself. If it's good, your average Joe is going to come back with wallet in hand to buy the whole album, the special editions, the merchandise, and the concert tickets. Bands today understand that auxiliary streams of revenue are making up a larger and larger chunk of the successful artist's income. And bands aren't just cashing in from the fans- nowadays more and more indie bands are selling their music directly to TV shows, film scores, and advertisements, all without having to give the suits a cut. But don't tell the major labels! The corporate executives are still living in an analog world, while the rest of us have gone digital. The major labels still believe they are still the sole means for artists to attain their livelihood, that artists are dependent on their goodwill, and so they tend to treat their signed artists like a racehorse owner treats his stable of prized fillies. The labels love their artists, but the artists had better race between the lines and win every time, otherwise they are going to be taken out back and shot.

Musicians have grown understandably weary of this exploitative economic model. Happily, digital technology and the growth of the internet provides artists with evermore opportunities to ply their craft outside the clammy grip of the corporate labels. The USPP wants to do its part to help musicians in this new techno-economic environment, which is why we've launched USPP Myspace. We're going to showcase quality independent artist on rotating basis and give you the low down on the artist's albums, tour, and any available downloads! So check out USPP Myspace and support independent music.

Special thanks goes to Emile Goss for coding our gorgeous, ad-free Myspace profile. You can check out more of his work at!

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